Therapeutic breath-based coaching
with soundbath (Rebirthing)


Direct Quantum healing

The vibration of crystal chalices, crystal bowls and crystal tuning forks in combination with breathwork can achieve healing physically, emotionally and also healing for the subtle bodies which many of our clients have already experienced.

What is breathwork?

The breath is the bridge between the mind and the body as the breath is a function we can control consciously but it’s also an involuntary function of the body. When we slow down the breath we can calm the mind, activating the parasympathetic nervous system that also activates our inner healing abilties. There are many different breathing techniques that have been used in Yoga for thousands of years to effect certain changes in body and mind. The practice of conscious coherent breathing offers us a gateway to profound physical, psychological and spiritual transformation as well as various health benefits like increasing the amount of oxygen the body can transport to the cells and the release of stemcells into the blood.

Practiced for millennia, breathwork has never been more relevant than it is today.  

Breathwork is a powerful tool for personal transformation and self healing. Over the past few years, I’ve undergone my own journey with the breath, practicing a myriad of different breathwork techniques through my Yoga and Meditation training as well as Bothmer therapy alongside my training as a rebirthing breathwork practitioner. Rebirthing breathwork has been a tremendous force for good in my own life. As part of my training I’ve witnessed remarkable healing journeys of body mind and soul for many others too.

“the purpose of conscious breathing is not primarily the movement of air but the movement of energy”
— Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing Breathwork

One-to-one conscious therapeutic breath-based coaching call for more info and bookings here

Time for you

After a rebirthing session you will feel re-energised, rejuventaed, renewed and have experienced quantum level healing through a customised sound journey. You will also experience emotional clearing as the session is dedicated to your particular needs.

One-to-one sessions, in person and online, are an opportunity to deeply explore the breath, with each session tailored and made bespoke to your needs in that moment. We can focus on intentions, explore stuckness, inner child, connect with your intuitive potential and release the impact and sabotaging effect of traumatic experiences or self limiting beliefs etc. Expanding infinitely into the depth of who you are underneath the conditionings of the persona. The majority of a 1:1 session takes place without music to enable you to access your deeper self without external distraction and can in some cases where deemed more beneficial be fully without music. A block of 10 sessions can bring about a very deep and profound change and each of the sessions will form part of a bigger journey with its own unique emphasis.
Experience the benefits of different types of conscious breathing, and become fully immersed in the healing power of the breath.

Investment: £70 for 1:1 guided session with Helena (sliding scale available, allow two hours)

Booking: click here – to book

Group rebirthing soundbath sessions offered at different times in the year enquire here

Breathwork meets sound healing

We work on a quantum vibrational healing level offering a fusion of breathwork with Icaros, chakra toning and sound healing instruments

Trust your space

Allow yourself to release anything that is in the way of realising your full potential through direct guidance towards your creative strengths and energy blocks in your body